What does it do?

Print complicated reports with the click of a button.
Manage POTWs, industrial users, permits, and limits.
Track industrial inspections.
Export data to Excel.
CAPTAINS is an annual subscription—you’re invoiced once a year for the software and receive new features and updates at no additional cost.
Who created CAPTAINS?
CAPTAINS is a software developed by the pretreatment professionals at Goldie Associates. For the last 30 years, we’ve been working with environmental services teams, trying to make their lives easier. That was the goal behind CAPTAINS—to make pretreatment compliance easier for everyone involved. We’ll continue to update the software and offer new products as we create new solutions for engineering and environmental service problems.
To find out more about our consulting services, Visit Goldie Associates
What our customers are saying
“The CAPTAINS program is an essential element for maintaining and administrating the District’s Industrial Pretreatment Program. It enables us to calculate Significant Non Compliance and generate reports required by our Approval Authority for the POTWs in the District. The program generates NOVs and was used to support a statistical analysis of Industrial User data when we renewed their permits.
“The technical support and pretreatment expertise at Goldie Associates is exceptional.“
Steve Rudy
Pretreatment Coordinator – Greenwood Metropolitan District
Contact us
CAPTAINS Top Features
- Manage all of the POTWs in the Control Authority
- Manage all of the Industrial Users on each POTW
- Contacts
- Industrial categories
- Federal Reg Nums
- NAICS Classifications
- Easily create, or modify permits and limits for each industry and POTW
- Track Industrial Inspections
- Enter, track, and analyze Sampling data for the industries and the POTWs
- Automatically determine limit violations
- Print complicated quarterly or semi-annual reports with the click of a button.
- Manage user access and permissions in the program
- Export data to Excel for assisting in headworks calculations or submission to state agencies
- Enter samples by parameter or sampling frequency (Ease of data entry)
- Enter sampling data in the units received from the lab –
CAPTAINS automatically converts the units to the permit units.
New Features in CAPTAINS 11
- The user now has the ability to change their background in the program (including removing totally).
- Look under [Tools / User Settings]
- POTW Permits & Limits
- Ability to enter Permit Limits for things other than Wastewater Effluent (such as stream limits)
- POTW Sampling Section
- Enter Samples by Parameter
- Enter Results by Sample Frequency
- POTW Reports
- POTW Sample Overview
- NOTE: If you do not have the DMR Module, you will not see calculations on the Overview
– only sample data. - You can view the overview by Wastewater Effluent or any other category.
- NOTE: If you do not have the DMR Module, you will not see calculations on the Overview
- Discharge Monitoring Reports
- POTW Sample Overview
- Ability to generate Discharge Monitoring Reports. (Additional cost – price TBD
- DMR Setup (on Administration Tab)
- Data Trending – Now you can view trends at the click of a button. This will help you as you evaluate
historical trends for setting new limits in order to increase available capacity.- Ultimately, this may allow you to bring in new industries without having to undergo a
multi-million dollar expansion.
- Ultimately, this may allow you to bring in new industries without having to undergo a
- New License Key system
- Enter the license one time for all users
- Now, when your license expires, you are not required to reinstall the program to enter a new license
- New Database Connection System
- CAPTAINS 11 has the ability to connect to Databases hosted in the Cloud
- Goldie offers to host your data
- You can either use domain login, or login and password systems
- The about screen now shows the number of permitted industries your lease includes.
- New Simplified Program Installer.
- We now offer cloud hosted solutions – for both the front-end and for the database.